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Are electric bikes the future?
E-Bikes will be bought more and more for sure. But, the traditional pedal powered bikes aren't going anywhere.
Justin Schultz
2020 Scott Scale 970
2021 Felt Breed 30
I read a lot about the plus and minus of owning an electric bicycle until may 2021, then I ordered a Stealth Urban Electric Bike KBO Hurricane. I was tired of reading reviews that were not reviews but non sense from people that did not own an eBike. I felt I needed to buy one so I could talk or comment from my eBike experience.

I had several eBike requirements.
1. Must be stealth no battery lump on down tube, or obvious battery that could be stolen with a screwdriver breaking inexpensive lock.
2. Single speed belt drive.
3. Cost, as I could not afford a Ribble 26 pound eBike.
4. Weight, I wanted a lightweight eBike because I must carry the bicycle up and down stairs every day... KBO was 37.7 pounds, I reduced it to 32 pounds.

I have ridden the KBO over a thousand miles, it is a very dependable unit. Now that it is 5 pounds lighter I have no trouble going up and down three flights of narrow stairs. When I have replaced the front wheel with a carbon fiber wheel it will be even lighter. It has cadence sensing, I wished the bicycle had torque sensing. I have a 250 watt motor, would like the 350 watt motor like the Ride!UP Roadster v2.

There are many different styles of eBike to appeal to many different types of people. I think this powered bicycle is not a fad, but a bicycle many will purchase and use...
[quote='Nicholas' pid='40960' dateline='1617399332']
Hello, bike riders!
What do you think about electric bikes? Do you believe that the number of e-bike owners will continue growing steadily in the future? Share your thoughts in the comments!

I definitely think electric bikes are the future. Hopefully the prices will go down the more widespread they get.
I think electric bikes are great and I hope to see more of them in the future.
I think the trend shows they are becoming more popular, even if I am not using one yet.
Hope to get to try one soon but scared to become lazy and make less exercise with it.
New ebike brands are still popping up, right and left, in spite of the shortages.
Just wondering how they will manage their supply chain up and running

Cousin of mine made an interview with one of them during the TaipeiCycle Show:
I do think so! I’ve had a Ebike for a month now. I use it for work, getting around and my YouTube channel! With group rides and YouTube channels, it kind of encourages other to get out more! also you can save money on gas!
(04-02-2021, 05:35 PM)Nicholas Wrote:  Hello, bike riders!
What do you think about electric bikes? Do you believe that the number of e-bike owners will continue growing steadily in the future? Share your thoughts in the comments!

Seems great for urban travel & commuting to work in many places. Not sure how it'll fare in harsh weather areas or winter.

I'd love one. But affordability is an issue too.
Yes, it will keep growing. There are so many who are not bikers who will appreciate it for getting outdoors and bikers and non-bikers alike will appreciate them as a commuting vehicle.
(04-02-2021, 05:35 PM)Nicholas Wrote:  Hello, bike riders!
What do you think about electric bikes? Do you believe that the number of e-bike owners will continue growing steadily in the future? Share your thoughts in the comments!

The number of people owning Electric bikes is DEFINITELY going to increase. As we age, we are looking to stay active and having electric bikes allow us to do this. My group of friends are starting to buy them, and I would love to get one as well.
Yes where weather and traffic allow. Same as pedal bikes.

The m,arket will expand as senior citizen populations grow.

Comfort for commuting (i.e. 8+ miles each way) will need improvement.
Electric bikes are great, but will never replace regular bikes for affordability.
Honestly, I expect all sorts of electric transportation to completely take over. Bikes, scooters, skateboards, you name it. Personally, I desperately want an electric bike because it's environmentally friendly and would make getting around SO much more accessible. People with disabilities like myself are going to thrive when electric transportation becomes more affordable.
I think yes, the e-bike market was still growing especially during the COVID-19 time, most of people want to keep health and ride more to keep good fit, the bike can help riders explore longer with assistant.
On the other hand, I have see many frame factory received many orders from US and Eurpean. This is a sight.
Yes ! I think they are awesome and a fantastic way for seniors to get out and about💚
Are electric bikes the future? - they are the Now, and the future!! Quality and variety are improving, while more are sold everyday.
I would certainly agree with a previous comment stating that ebikes are the present. They will not replace muscle powered bikes, and I fear that they will, to a certain degree, become somewhat of a fad just as traditional bikes were in the 70s during the "bike boom". The sales and production will increase, prices should level off or reduce slightly, and then in a couple years after that we'll see a bunch of ebikes up for sale or stashed away. Battery prices for old and new ebikes will continue to rise, "e-scooters" with greater range and power will replace many ebikes, as well as electric passenger vehicles becoming more popular and again causing an increase in lithium battery prices. With fossil fuels being phased out or possibly becoming illegal, and when lithium supply and prices start to become untenable, there is a good chance that traditional bikes may see a resurgence as the best economic and environmentally friendly alternative we will have in the near future.

I think the thread should have been phrased as: "Are electric bikes YOUR future?". Having ridden one, I know my future is still on a traditional bike until health precludes that form of transportation for me; and at that point I will be wanting something vastly superior to what has been engineered thus far. I picture an electric trike, but more of a small two adult (and possibly one small child) passenger vehicle design with two front wheels, full fairing and cockpit, and solar hybrid charging system. Also, same design, but for use on inland waterways since many areas will obviously require an "off-road" dual use version similar (but water worthy) to the old amphibian car.

Are nuclear powered bicycles the future?????
Yes!! e-bikes are very much so the future!! And this is just one example of what an awesome ebike can be!! I'm looking forward to seeing what's to come
I believe it will be a big trend for the future.
Ebikes will continue to grow in popularity. There are so many - bikers and non-bikers alike who will appreciate their beneifts for commuting or as an alterantive (or replacement) for an automobile. It truly opens up possibilities.
Yes, I love ebikes and I think they will be great for older individuals as well as those with some mobility issues!

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