My favorite overall attribute of the gravel bike is the ability to seamlessly transition from an urban terrain to a rural terrain without worrying about destroying the bike in the process. The thick tires of the gravel bike give me confidence when riding in an urban environment that I am not going to destroy my rim if I am forced to go off of a high curb. A traditional mountain bike, when used as a commuter, can handle both terrains relatively well, but the smaller tires always make me cringe if I have to drop off of something more than an inch or two high. I think that goes back to when I was a kid and I would bend up my rims on my Walmart bike, but that fear has always stayed with me. As much as i try to avoid hopping off of curbs, any urban commuter knows that it is inevitable that your rims will take a beating from those city drops that may come unexpectedly.
Location: Tucson, AZ, USA
looks better than the bike I have now
What I like about gravel bikes is their capability onroad and off-road..
I like that you can switch the tire to fit much larger wheels and tires. Gives me improved grip & comfort on the bumpiest of tracks.
I like the stability of these bikes on gravel
feeling you can go anywhere
I like the styling and color. Also the versatility.
I like the go anywhere nature of the bikes. They aren't as all terrain as a mountain bike, or as swift as a road bike on tarmac, but they are a pretty great compromise to get you off the beaten track. I've often been on a road bike, and been unable to really explore an interesting looking trail, but on a gravel bike you can do so.
Love the Power and grind as the tires push through the dirt and gravel.
I have not owned a gravel bike but I would love to make a change from my road bike.
I am not the biggest gravel bike fan. I feel like they are bad mountain bikes and bad road bikes. But my opinion is in part due to where I live. We do not have many gravel roads. The trails are more suited to proper mountain biking. In the right location, I like that gravel bikes can be a quiver-killer. If you want to ride various terrains in one ride and do it fairly quickly, a gravel bike is awesome! They are also great for people who can only afford or only want a single bike.
10-15-2020, 02:47 AM
What I like about gravel bikes is their ability to ride smoothly and comfortably. I like that I am free to explore and not limited to plain trails. They offer me experience and adventure.
They look comfortable to ride on.
I don't ride the gravel bikes
I love the versatility - I used to love both mountain biking and road biking but wanted a middle ground ...gravel bikes give you that!
Able to ride in the winter.
I love the range of trails i am able to ride.
10-21-2020, 01:15 AM
I like that I can ride on the road, or on gravel. We have a wonderful gravel pathway, along the Arkansas River, that runs through the city where I live. It’s perfect for a gravel bike, but with a gravel bike, I can ride on blacktop also. It’s very versatile! And, it looks awesome too. Very handsome bike!