Hi, I'm a total newbie. I bought this used bike and when I took it home I discovered that this part disconnects, and I am having difficulty screwing it back on. What is this part of the bike called??
Hi telephsik,
Is there anyway you can take a closer picture of that part? It looks like a full suspension spring for more comfort when riding it. Or maybe the make and model of it? Sorry to ask that of you just hard to see the part.
Thanks Bill
Good maintenance to your Bike, can make it like the wheels are, true and smooth!
I am going to make an assumption and guess this is a Z bike. It is the closest model of bike that I have seen pics of. After some research many bad reviews, but reviews aren't the thing here. You bought it, it is yours, you like it, and well lets try this....
Have a friend that has some weight sit on it and lean back to the rear tire. This will allow the spring to get closer to the hole. Then try to refasten it.
That does not work take a closer photo of where it connects and maybe we can better help.
Good maintenance to your Bike, can make it like the wheels are, true and smooth!