Hello! Could you help me please. Today when I was riding it happened I think ten times. I try to turn the wheel, but the handlebar gets stuck. I push it harder and then it goes. What could that be?
The bicycle is relatively new (6 months or something).
Probably need more information on your particular bike to make a better determination of the problem. Pictures would help also.
Perhaps a bearing has gone bad.
There is a problem with the *headset* bearing that is responsible for turning the fork - could be adjusted too tight in addition to excessive wear, or some other problem. The "Aheadset" is a threadless headset, so if you don't want to take it to a shop, co-op or a knowledgeable friend Google "adjust threadless headset" or a refer to a similar video on this site.
Thank you, guys! You saved my day! I adjusted the top bot on the headset, and now everything is OK.
Thank you again!