I'm new to the forum, and I don't understand much in bikes.
I changed my tube (rear wheel) the other day, and when trying to put the wheel back on the bike, the quick release skewer won't fit in the hub\axle. It feels like something is stuck inside the hub.
I went to a professional bike store, they tried hammering the skewer in, but it didn't help. They want me to change a wheel.
What do i do?
One likely cause is if the skewer or axle is bent. You should be able to see if the skewer's bent obviously. Try spinning the axle with your fingers, if it looks like one of the very ends of the axle wobbles a little, that's another sign it is bent. That could be why they suggested a new wheel. Depending on the wheel, it could make sense to buy a new wheel instead of changing the axle (but it could just be easier and more profitable for the shop to suggest it.)
Could also be corrosion inside the axle. Did the skewer come out rusty looking at all?
No, don't drill the axle. Maybe if you could get a wire bristle pipe cleaner you could try to clean it out inside the axle. There is some variation in how thick skewers are. Maybe someone put a extra thick one on there. You could try a few different skewers to see if one fits better. I have no idea why else it would be that tight.
"I went to a professional bike store, they tried hammering the skewer in, but it didn't help."
Oh dear!
That has mythed me, as said before bent skewers would've been my bet. What brand of hub is it?
I am still wondering why the quick release was removed to change a tube ? I would like to some pics of the quick release and of the hub. there has to be more to the story
There are two kinds of people in the world, "Those who help themselves to people, and those who help people!"
(05-18-2013, 04:02 PM)deedeeharris Wrote: (05-18-2013, 03:16 PM)painkiller Wrote: I am still wondering why the quick release was removed to change a tube ? I would like to some pics of the quick release and of the hub. there has to be more to the story
![[Image: ?ui=2&ik=5e3d1078ea&view...bY2-FO_QIc]](https://mail-attachment.googleusercontent.com/attachment/?ui=2&ik=5e3d1078ea&view=att&th=13eb938d326f9cbb&attid=0.1&disp=inline&realattid=1435403073372553216-1&safe=1&zw&saduie=AG9B_P-Zbakg1Jwlmlnjv2uYSVGW&sadet=1368907317936&sads=hTYZcM0Cy4n2EL5_EbY2-FO_QIc)
A rear wheel. I had to take off the wheel to change the tube. And I unscrewed that stick - isn't that the qr skewer?
yes, but on a quick release you open the lever and maybe spin the nut side a bit and the wheel should drop right out with the skewer still attached. hence the name " quick release "
show us some pics of what you have.
On the front wheel one will spin the nut side of the quick release more than the rear to clear the integrated axle catch in the fork lugs
There are two kinds of people in the world, "Those who help themselves to people, and those who help people!"
no, you can do it that way if you want to, the point is it should go back in real easy. was it hard to pull out when you did take it out?
I should have asked for closeup pics, my bad

. Can you see light or look thru the axle?
There are two kinds of people in the world, "Those who help themselves to people, and those who help people!"
That's so bizarre everything seems as it should be, maybe take the wheel into a local bike shop and have them fit a new axle. Will be cheaper than a new wheel.
I would go to another shop, If the first one is willing to "hammer" a skewer in instead of finding out why it will not go in, it is hard to say what they will do with a new axle and the bearings.
Have fun and just enjoy the ride