On both the front and rear brakes, the pads are not parrallel to the rims. Is there anyway to twist the pulls on the brakes so that the pads are parrallel? Thank you for any advice.
Need more info! V-brakes? Cantilevers, etc?
Since you mention that it is both front and rear, it sounds intentional. Let me ask you - are the front ends of the pads slightly closer than the trailing ends, and by roughly equal amounts on all four?
If so, that is called 'toe' and helps to reduce brake squeal.
Wheelies don't pop themselves. (from a QBP fortune cookie)
now its time for some nice close up pics from different angles. before we freak out and cop a head rush and mess it up. then we may help you better
There are two kinds of people in the world, "Those who help themselves to people, and those who help people!"
I just made the coffee anyone interested?
Good maintenance to your Bike, can make it like the wheels are, true and smooth!
twisting brake arms with break the brakes - do NOT do it.
Best and safest solution is to replace the Dia-Comps with Tektro dual pivot side pulls or similar.
Genshu - you just lost me. You seem to know enough about brakes (considering the fact that you're a 'bent rider

), that we must not be following your original question. Are the pads not aligned with the curvature of the rim. Pics would
really help!
Wheelies don't pop themselves. (from a QBP fortune cookie)
Recumbent - I have heard (rumour) that they are typically heavier and faster than "standard" bicycles; thus it makes sense to go with the most powerful brakes you can find - not some super expensive fly wieghts. Tektro R556/559 and R536/539 brakes are incredibly powerful.
good to hear that Tektro's are strong. pics coming havent joined the smart phone realm yet. The arms are way out of line with the plane of the rim.