On my mountain bike, when I pedale the tension on the chain causes the wheel to tilt which makes the treads rub on the frame/kickstand. When I was putting the rear wheel on I was having difficulty getting it to run straight. I had to clamp it then tighten the nut (if that helps). Any repair ideas would be great. Thanks
Get hold of the wheel at opposite sides and see if wobbles from side to side.<br />
Have a look at the wheel hub at the same time and look for movement.<br />
Maybe the cones need adjusting or the axle could be broken.
Ride hard or ride home alone!
That Helped with the slight side-to-side wobbleing, but it is still moving, I think that it is partialy the wheel moving seperate from the axel and part of it just moving the axel lose (I got it as light as I could, to the point that I was stripping the nut).
If the axle is actually sliding in the frame (maybe mark where the axle nut sits before you ride to see if it is moving) then either something is wrong with the axle, nut or frame.
If the threads on the axle are stripped or on the nut, then it may not really be getting that tight. More likely, it sounds like maybe the dropout where it clamps the frame is bent so you're not getting enough metal under the nut to get a good grip. Are you pulling the axle all the way back into the frame? Pictures of that area would help to diagnose...
Problem Solved: I found out that my axel was bent. Replaced the wheel. Thanks for the help.