I make This Bench Repair Stand Today By PVC Pipe.
Here Are Some Pictures
I'd like to see a bike in it. I like the design. Will it balance ok with a bike in it? Good Work!
It looks good! Will it hold a bike though? It looks like it might tip if there's a bike there...
Oh man, tino. That glue with the purple can does a number on me! You have kept it compact, though... it should be strong. Keep us updated on the progress!
Wheelies don't pop themselves. (from a QBP fortune cookie)
Lookin' good Tino! Show us the final result when done.
0k My Bench Repair Stand Is Done And Test And Works Great i Like The Universal Joint So I can Move My Clamp To Different Position Thanks Guys For The Comments .
Here Are Some Pictures
Bravo, tino! Nice job! And bikes, too.
Wheelies don't pop themselves. (from a QBP fortune cookie)
Very nice.
I could do with one that fits in a bench vice. Will have to get the little grey cells working.

Is there anything you would do differently if you made another one?
Ride hard or ride home alone!
thats nice, but you havent repaired the bench yet.

sorry, theres 1 in every crowd, this time its me.
Get on your bad pedalscooter and ride!
Wow I like this one! Main reason is that it is light but strong! Also it lets the crank clear the stand itself so one can pedal the bike with their hands. Very awesome job Tino!!!
Good maintenance to your Bike, can make it like the wheels are, true and smooth!
That is a great design Tino!
I got a question though. Is the stand anchored? I can't figure out how it can balance the bike without being anchored. Did I miss something?
Thanks Bill And KC-Steve i Used 2 Metal Clamps to Hold the piece of wood on the back
i got this work bench in menards for $ 8 dollars and works good for my bicycle repair stand im happy LOL
tino how much did all the supplies cost?
Good maintenance to your Bike, can make it like the wheels are, true and smooth!
HI KC-Steve yep i got the bench on sale Menards friday crazy sale retail price i was like $ 25
$32.00 is it? NICE!!! With the bench yeah I agree with Steve that is an awesome deal!
Good maintenance to your Bike, can make it like the wheels are, true and smooth!
Well, I already have the workbench! Maybe I'll start on building the PVC stand so that I don't have to use my bike trainer for a work stand. Or, I could just quit being a cheapskate and go and buy an inexpensive repair stand.
Super nice job, Tino.
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