Those self-sealing tubes are WORTHLESS !!
It will get you an extra 10 feet, before you are walking, and put a goey mess over everything as it spurts out if you have a puncture.
Worse, it gums up the valve - instructions say to remove and clean the valve. Guess what happens when you have 50 psi in a tire, and want to go to 60 psi, and the valve is gummed up, so you have to remove - wear goggles, face and clothing protection, and do it away from anything you care about.
Never again for me.
Presta valves - I like them a LOT, especially for over 100 psi.
That's what I really like about this site. The information. The box promises you the world of course. Thanks for sharing your REAL world experience.
I intend to take the self sealing presta tube back to Wal Mart and exchange it for a regular (no goo) one.
My prejudice about presta valves is totally tongue in cheek. I have no experience with such things. This is the first time I ever heard you could put 100 psi into a bike tire!
You sure you don't want to try a 1.5" tire?
Yep. He's gone from a light 559x35 to a heavy duty 559 that's a third wider.
Thanks guys. As an update: Cranked up to 65 psi on both tires, the bike really rides well. On sometimes crummy city streets, you don't hve to be so hyper aware of hazards. They plow right through 'em.
Good times!
Must say nice looking bike

Good maintenance to your Bike, can make it like the wheels are, true and smooth!
Thanks. It's been reliable too. It started shifting by itself- discovered the front chain ring had come loose. Had to tighten up the stem shifter as well. Other than that smooth sailing.
These Bell tires have really grown on me. Like the fact they absorb some rough stuff yet can still get up and go when the need arises. Cozy ride compared to the skinnies.
Entered into a bike predict ride in a couple weeks. Should be fun- 14 miles 600+ people expected to attend.
Hey Eric. Very cool! It's great to find a thing that works for you, is it not?!
Please let us know how the ride goes. And we want Details! Did you get free Pizza at the end of the ride? Did a pretty lady kiss you? We need Details!
Wheelies don't pop themselves. (from a QBP fortune cookie)
Well, I know we'll be getting free t shirts. The winning corporate team gets a free lunch. Possibly pizza. They'll hand out medals @ the finish. Boss won silver last year. He's the one that coaxed me into signing up.
All that pales to the pretty girl prospect, LOL
And yup! Finding stuff that works for you is fine indeed!
Legs encased in cement. Beer near at hand. No better feeling than post race.