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Questions for the Diehard Winter Cyclists
I like layers in gloves as well. I get the really thin one for like running and then I have neoprene thick one on the outside. When it gets warmer, then you can remove one of the two. That is good down to about 15 F.
Carlos Ruiz
Ride Hard, Get Fit, Be Happy
(11-03-2009, 10:41 PM)Bill Wrote:  Ok I only have one question, but as for the rest of the proper clothing hope this thread opens up other questions. What gloves would anyone suggest for riding in cold weather?

You can order pogies they help a lot. They fit over your handlebars and with gloves on your hands can stay a lot warmer. Do a search for pogies but they are not cheap. Or if you can sew you could make your own.
My dad always told me a Sledge a matic can fix any thing.
(11-09-2009, 10:32 AM)Joe_W Wrote:  . . . "worth it" it depends on whether you have icy roads more than a week or so. Last winter was unusually long and harsh for this part of Germany, I think I will not use the spiked tyre that often, but it is nice to have the option. Maybe some Canucks or Poles or whoever can comment on spiked tyres?

I somehow missed this thread. I have always heard that European winters were mild compared to the U.S. Midwest winters. I guess there's an ocean current from the Gulf of Mexico that moves toward Europe and dampens the cold there.

I don't particularly like cold weather, but here the choice of moving South is not really an option in my mind because then you get more icy weather during the winter months, whereas here in Kansas City, it's usually too cold for ice. Last night I think it was around zero F and that's typical January weather here. Any precipitation quickly turns to snow. I'll take snow over ice any day.

For now, my bikes and I are hibernating. Smile

Nice read here.

Junkyard Tools rescued from the junkyard!
(01-12-2011, 11:15 PM)KC-Steve Wrote:  
(11-09-2009, 10:32 AM)Joe_W Wrote:  . . . "worth it" it depends on whether you have icy roads more than a week or so. Last winter was unusually long and harsh for this part of Germany, I think I will not use the spiked tyre that often, but it is nice to have the option. Maybe some Canucks or Poles or whoever can comment on spiked tyres?

I somehow missed this thread. I have always heard that European winters were mild compared to the U.S. Midwest winters. I guess there's an ocean current from the Gulf of Mexico that moves toward Europe and dampens the cold there.

I don't particularly like cold weather, but here the choice of moving South is not really an option in my mind because then you get more icy weather during the winter months, whereas here in Kansas City, it's usually too cold for ice. Last night I think it was around zero F and that's typical January weather here. Any precipitation quickly turns to snow. I'll take snow over ice any day.

For now, my bikes and I are hibernating. Smile

Nice read here.


I hear ya KC-Steve, it's been really cold here in St. Louis lately too. I'll get my bike out of the basement in March.
Wow! Sure glad I live in Florida, NO SNOW. It gets cold in the morning but nice enough that you can ride in the afternoon. Depending on the temperature, you may need to put on a few sweats but that's about it. If it gets too cold (below 30, and this doesn't happen very often per season), I ride on the trainer and get my workout there.
HCFR Cycling Team
Ride Safe...Ride Hard...Ride Daily
In the northern states and colder areas of the world some still bike no matter what the conditions! With some exceptions to the above statement lol, ie blizzards, -10F , etc. Just last week it was very cold with wind chill in the brrrrrs, and I rode home from work.
Good maintenance to your Bike, can make it like the wheels are, true and smooth!
Oppps kinda ended my reply earlier then I wanted. Anyways when I got home the only problem I had was the tears coming out of my eyes. Gonna have to find some goggles or something like that. I'll start a different thread on what I use to repel old man winter and how I equipped my bike for such a ride.
Good maintenance to your Bike, can make it like the wheels are, true and smooth!
Quote:In the northern states and colder areas of the world some still bike no matter what the conditions!

In the the southern states and warmer areas, those riding in extreme cold weather must be from up north. Anything below 40 and we Floridians turn into pansies, especially us older ones. Cold weather + Florida = ride the trainer. Smile

When I left the house this morning at 7:30 am for my regular Saturday morning ride, it was 45 degrees. Ride started at 8:30 am and everyone was pretty much bundled up. Around 10 am, everything started coming off. It's now 68 in Tampa and excellent bike riding weather. Going to do another 10 miles when my wife gets home.
HCFR Cycling Team
Ride Safe...Ride Hard...Ride Daily

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