I have a Gary Fisher bike that was given to me that I have to sell and although I love it, I am in Ohio and it's in CA.
It's a lovely bike and I would really like to price it fairly. It has a car eye computer and a split seat.
Any help would be appreciated. It's just all dusty - really decent shape. Thanks all!
Thanks for the pic of what you told us it was.

If you want to pinpoint the year better we need to know the components on it,i.e. shifters, shock,derailleurs, crankset, etc.
color is hard to tell from pic also. but it appears to be around a 2002 probably worth around $150 if it does not need a ton
once we figure that out with better pics, I can help with the price a bit. I would tell you now do not let anyone play the BicycleBlueBook.com card on you to low ball you with. That site is a bunch of crap mostly. lets see some better pics
There are two kinds of people in the world, "Those who help themselves to people, and those who help people!"
Omgosh...i am going to try to repeat everything my friend has told me over the phone. Bike is in CA and I'm now in OH - I hope I don't embarrass myself too terribly much, lol
Wahoo os series free tube cromeloy
Rock shocks Judy and it's an 8 speed
Shimano v brake
Computer - cat eye micro wireless
Mountain bike tires
Split seat (perfect condition)
Does this all make sense? I would have posted more pictures, but it only let me post one.
Thank you so much! And I had a feeling about that website!
(10-21-2014, 05:32 PM)Plumeria Wrote: Omgosh...i am going to try to repeat everything my friend has told me over the phone. Bike is in CA and I'm now in OH - I hope I don't embarrass myself too terribly much, lol
Wahoo os series free tube cromeloy
Rock shocks Judy and it's an 8 speed
Shimano v brake
Computer - cat eye micro wireless
Mountain bike tires
Split seat (perfect condition)
Does this all make sense? I would have posted more pictures, but it only let me post one.
Thank you so much! And I had a feeling about that website!
no worry, just messing with you, judytt? no matter. It cannot be far from a 2002. entry level mtb list around $380. the seat, computer does not make a difference. dirty bikes needing tune ups does, bad shocks does. If you are sure the bike functions as intended, post it for $180 and accept an offer to $150 if you get one. Let the ad ride for a couple weeks or so, then make the call. Blue book . com values it under $100 in like new condition which is poppy cock! I could sell it tomorrow for $200 but it would be extremely clean, tuned and unridden state. yours is not, which will detract from premium dollar, plus you are just a guy selling a used bike. I hope that gets you the info you desire even if it is not what you want hear. If someone pulls the BicycleBlueBook card out, kindly tell them to ask bluebook to sell you a like new one for that, or go to Walmart to get happy.
There are two kinds of people in the world, "Those who help themselves to people, and those who help people!"
Ok Plum, lets use your bike as an example. I would probably only offer you around $75 @ the most for your bike. I will look at every aspect of it and will probably find many things wrong with it to use against your asking price. I know what i am looking for,Joe schmo does not. Joe schmo wants a bike to ride and not spend a ton but also does not want a dept. store bike. I want a bike to flip. Joe schmo will always try to bargain down, not for any other reason than thats just what most people will do, thinking that sellers always ask more than would take for the bike. You are unable to touch your bike and in essence your sale is "as is", but really all private party sales are anyway. Because it is just dusty as you call it, it has really no "curb appeal" if you will, compared to anything else out there for sale. Only the price can be the appealing factor in your case. which means you may have to take a lower price compared to a clean bike. I said I could sell it tomorrow for $200 and I could. Jef said around $120. I bet you could but still abit low I would think. I buy bikes from all over the country and do not really think one bike sells for such a difference depending on where it is in the country compared to another spot. What I do know is a bike has to stand out from the others in a particular price range and age may not even be a factor. What were thinking you wanted for the bike? would you be happy if you got $180? $165?. if so post it for $200 or $210 and let it ride. You see when I sell a bike, I do not sell bikes for people like me to make money on, I try to sell to people who want a nice bike ready to go and I can modify to suit, the bikes "Pop" compared to all the excellent, like new described bikes they have already looked at.
There are two kinds of people in the world, "Those who help themselves to people, and those who help people!"