I am looking to identify an old bike. I won this bike through an auction and I am trying to get some information. I would like to sell it if it is worth anything. The information I can read on the bike: Northglenn, 2273, Armstrong, Guaranteed Genuine English, chain bike operation. Any help is appreciated. Thank you!
It's an Armstrong 3 speed, made in a Birmingham, England factory. It's in pretty good condition for that old a bike, but faded paint on the rear fender and chainguard (probably replacement from a different bike). You can get an idea of the bike's age from the 3 speed hub. There will be a date code on it, month on one side of the label, year on the other. The Armstrongs were made into the 60's. How much is it worth? No way to tell for sure until you sell it.
Worth depends on a multitude of factors, including the market in your area, total condition and the purpose for which it is being bought (utility vs. collectible). I generally would expect it to be worth well over $20, but unlikely $100, given lack of original saddle, faded paint, etc. The parts may be worth more than the bike. Try a Google search for "Armstrong 3 speed bike for sale" for more info, but keep in mind any postings you find are asking price. You can also try an ebay search of "English 3 speed" in the Cycling section for Completed Listings. You will see what did and did not sell, according to condition, location, etc.
P.S. I would suggest you check to make sure the "Minimum Insertion" line is not exposed on the handlebar stem. It seems a bit high.
nice bike though for sure.