I got a bike for my 2 yr old at a garage sale. She fits the bike, but it has the pedaling system where you can coast and brake. Is there a way I can temporarily "lock" the pedals to the wheel so that they move at the same time? That should make it easier until she gets the hang of pedaling.
I can't think of an easy way, I think you'd have to do some surgery on the rear hub. That said, I think she's better off with the ability to coast. When the pedal are forced to move with the wheel, I think it will create more problems if a foot comes off or if she wants to put her legs out while moving. Safer to have the pedals stop moving.
Also, if you come across a push bike (no pedals, they just run to make it move) I really recommend them for kids. It gives them a chance to learn balance without having to worry about the pedaling concept at the same time.
Thanks for thr reply. I think I'll just leave it alone. I never heard of a push bike, but sounds like a good idea. I'll look around for one.
There are two kinds of people in the world, "Those who help themselves to people, and those who help people!"
I've got my son on a strider and it is AWESOME. It really is the best, he rides circles around older kids on pedal bikes or bikes with training wheels. So proud of him. Buy one, it's worth it a hundred times over.