My bike has coaster brakes, but they've completely stopped working--in fact, if I try to use them, they actually propel the bike forward. Has anyone had this problem? I don't know how to fix it; I've been stopping with my feet the last six months.
It's really weird. I'm in New Orleans, and there are a bunch of bike shops around, but I wanted to try to fix it myself (even though I know nothing about bikes).
Hi Paul. CBs aren't really complicated if one has some mechanical apptitude and pays attention to details. The late Sheldon Brown did a great tutorial at that you may want to check out. One piece of advice that may seem strange, tho. A coaster brake LOVES grease. In fact, without it, it will die.
Wheelies don't pop themselves. (from a QBP fortune cookie)
Late Sheldon Brown??? I did not know that. Great website hope it stays.
Never Give Up!!!
(11-01-2010, 08:18 PM)GeorgeET Wrote: Late Sheldon Brown??? I did not know that. Great website hope it stays.
Yes, Sheldon left us back in 2008. From what I understand, Harris Cyclery is keeping the site up. There is just TOO much good info there to let slip into the cyber-oblivion.
Hey Paul! Did you get around to messing with the brake yet?
Wheelies don't pop themselves. (from a QBP fortune cookie)
was on sheldons site last week and noticed they are adding to it with previously unreleased work from him. was new to me anyhow.
ive overhauled 2 coasters myself, so its not that hard. just when you think it has enuff grease, add some more
dont know why it goes faster though.
Get on your bad pedalscooter and ride!