hey alex, how 'bout a tutorial on painting?
Get on your bad pedalscooter and ride!
This sounds cool. It might require a sort of off site tutorial. I'd imagine it would require a lot of equipment to pull off alone. Maybe take a frame to a local painter to follow the process. Other ideas could be to take it to be sand blasted then do a tutorial on rattle canning the frame. I'm sure there are several ways to do this one.
higher end rattlecanning is what im thinking about. making the best you can for as little cash as you can.
Get on your bad pedalscooter and ride!
ps my name is alex so i guess you get what you ask for ? search instructables for a detailed spray paint guide
I'm impressed! You used a dremel to get this effect? I'll look on instructables for it! Love the design!
Good maintenance to your Bike, can make it like the wheels are, true and smooth!
I know because I have rattle canned all my jobs. It is the effect you did with the dremel that still amazes me

. Wander if custom lettering would be an option
Good maintenance to your Bike, can make it like the wheels are, true and smooth!
hi alex,
i have a bmx chrome frame that i wanted to be painted with powder coating. do i need to remove the headset bearing cup and the bottom bracket bearing cup? and how to remove spotting rusts on it? are you familiar with powder coating?
(03-20-2011, 08:54 AM)bite_brian Wrote: hi alex,
i have a bmx chrome frame that i wanted to be painted with powder coating. do i need to remove the headset bearing cup and the bottom bracket bearing cup? and how to remove spotting rusts on it? are you familiar with powder coating?
Hi Brian,
Yes if possible do remove all the parts that can be removed, before the powder coating. Consult with the person who is going to perform the powder coating as well. The spot rust can be removed by watching this video...
http://bikeride.com/rust-removal/ . Also there are several other ways that you can use, I posted this search link that shows other posts here on the site....
http://bikeride.com/search.php?q=remove+rust&sa=GO&cx=007212922836035168183%3Afhf2-dk8g-i&cof=FORID%3A9&ie=UTF-8#968 . Hope this helps,
Good maintenance to your Bike, can make it like the wheels are, true and smooth!
hi bill,
will the powder coating will hold strong to the frame even if its chrome?
i have read about the EVAPO-RUST but i dont think if i can find it here in the philippines.
thank you.
YEah im not entirely familiar with powder coating either, I would say as long as you prepsand the chrome properly it should hold.