This a Sweet bike. I have added and XTR drive train all but the crank. It is great. Tonight I just added the new wheels and hydro disc brakes. It belongs to a friend who bought this bike from a student for $200. He caught the upgrade bug and put another $500 into it. I rode it and it is a really sweet bike.
Just wanted to show you guys.
Sweet! How many speed is it?
Good maintenance to your Bike, can make it like the wheels are, true and smooth!
3x9 so 27 speeds. This bike is awesome.
Wow I think 21spds were fun .
Good maintenance to your Bike, can make it like the wheels are, true and smooth!
I've got one like that (same year, but in silver), they are awesome frames to work off. I've got old-style Saint brakes and various other toys and it's utterly awesome.
Yeah, It's just such a good platform to work on the frame is fantastic.
This bike is no longer in this form. All of the parts have been stripped and the frame itself has been upgraded. Very exciting stuff. I'll post pictures soon.
So here is the frame that we put all these parts on.
New thread for the completed bike coming soon.