So today I picked up the DT-2. I have this stubborn rotor that is out of whack and I want to see if I can true it.
You can also see my new pliers in the photo there. I love new tools.
I have two (same model) that look like the smaller end of that. The thing it I use one of them for straightening out chain rings. By the way Jordan took your advice and got the CN-10 and WOW what a difference! Very nice!
Good maintenance to your Bike, can make it like the wheels are, true and smooth!
I actually have a magnet on the bottom my parts cleaning pan because if there are any metal shavings or other similar debris I can determine if there is more of a problem then my eyes see normally. But really great idea.
Good maintenance to your Bike, can make it like the wheels are, true and smooth!
Alright so after xmas is over I got tons of new tools. I haven't taken any photos yet but I'll post some of them later. I got the Park tool 4 screw driver set. I got a new Cone wrench set so I can retire my dads old set from the 80's. I also got the P handle hex key set. An awesome addition to my collection. Some more are the Park tool Digital calipers, the Hydraulic piston press, and the spare parts storage. I loaded up this xmas. My shop looks so awesome right now. I am going to make a portable tool kit to keep in my truck now that I am starting to acquire extras. I'll be able to stop and help people on the side of the road more often now.
Jordan. You FL dogs got it all... Beaches, Babes and Bicycle Tools.

Happy New Year!
Wheelies don't pop themselves. (from a QBP fortune cookie)
I also got the Torx Key. I almost forgot that one.
Ok, just FYI the cable cutters are also strong enough to cut spokes clean, with minimal effort.