Cool bike, it'll look great when done. Unfortunately, I have no idea when those were made (I pretty much ride European stuff); you might post it on "The CABE" site to see if their members might have some info on it. You can definitely get it ID'd at the National Bicycle History Archive of America (NBHAA). The guy who operates the site is a very dedicated, but follow his rules to get a proper ID; provide clear, detailed, and copious photos (read as to what he needs regarding them!). I would not waste too much time reading the entire webpage(s), it's very repetitive! He does not like people providing uneducated opinions/info (as reiterated on his site); so just give him the facts, he'll do the rest. He couldn't help me with any European stuff except that which is easily ID'd in the first place, but USA bikes are his forte. You cannot use the site itself to ID a bike; you must submit the information to him. He likes a little bit of a "get to know you" letter/email, and he will respond fairly quickly. Good luck!
Ride Fast, Be Safe!