hi just got my bike back after it was stolen recovered, and have to sort out the damage now. the bike is a Reebok BUTE and damage is mainly gears brakes stripped, seems they went to town on the pedals and cogs, not done bike repair for a long time for this type of damage, so need to know how do i get the shaft out, it feels like the bearings have been damaged, and is it better to replace the cogs or just replace the whole lot?
sorry was a bit vague wasn't it. need to know would it be easier to replace the pedals cogs and shaft or to try to repair it. and if repair how do i remove the shaft?
many thanks for your patience, been a few years since i worked on this sort of repair/maintenance, only issue i seem to have now is the left pedal will not come away from the bearing post, have taken the locking screw out off both sides and the right side with the cogs on comes off ok, the other does not, and i assume it should, would soaking in wd40 oil and leaving help?
Hard to say without my crystal ball or pictures from the bike...
Assuming it is a regular tapered square spindle bottom bracket and the crank arm (rather than the pedal, which is removed using a 15mm wrench with a loooong lever) is stuck on the BB axle / spindle: If it is stuck and you cannot get it off using the crank puller you might want to check if a washer is still sitting there, you should remove it. If you have already stripped the threads you have a problem. Heating the crank arm might help, penetrating oil might help, more brute force or in the end destructive removal... without any pics it is difficult to tell what is wrong.