While changing the rear tire of my sons bike the insides came loose. Now I cant get them back together. How do I assemble it so it will fit back on frame? Please help and put it in simple terms, I have never done it before.
Which "insides" do you mean? Did you open the lock nuts on the axle and the bearing balls dropped out? Then look at the video tutorial on hub overhauling. Go to a bike shop and get the correct number of bearing balls of the correct size (likely 18 balls of 1/4 inch, but this does depend on the hub, so 1. count them and 2. measure them) and go to a car parts store to get some marine trailer grease. Then, follow the instructions in the video. I cannot explain it better than Alex does (+ it has pictures).
Tried to watch videos and it wants to charge me. I have no credit card or bank account... Is there a way the instructions can be explained to me?
Try googling "how to rebuild bicycle hub" or something similar. A few things you should know. If the bike has the type of brake where it brakes when you pedal backwards, that's called a coaster brake (google "how to rebuild a coaster hub"). Also, little kids bikes can be substantially simpler than adult bikes, so the online stuff make show a lot more parts that you are seeing. But hopefully it gives you an idea of what goes where, etc. It's hard for anyone here to give you specific instructions without seeing at least a photo of what you've got. good luck