Its a national past time in London called "dodge the bus that can't see you", "that taxi driver hates all cyclists and will run you over" and our favorite game of "o sh1t where did that pedestrian appear from"?
Gotta give the UK and surrounding countries a +10 for bicycling as a major mode of transportation! Great job everyone. Hope you are having a wonderful time on your vacation dave

. Don't forget to try and run into one of the members from here

. More pics too!
Good maintenance to your Bike, can make it like the wheels are, true and smooth!
I could not agree more Jon, I made the mistake of taking my motorbike through London last month (normally hire a bicycle), even on a 1000cc motorbike, I had idiots in car, van, taxi's and buses doing everything you have described. When on my motorbike I have a special set of metal heeled motorbike boots made for such occasions. Will have to post a picture of my collection of wing mirrors from the above vehicles that messed me about.
Currently in Edinburgh, Scotland, and I see all the cyclists climbing the cobblestone roads and I'm extremely jealous. The people I'm with aren't cyclists, so renting bikes isn't an option. Guess I'll just have to come back. Maybe hit france, instead, and do some of the tour de france routes.
dave are u back in london before u head home ?
Boardman Team Road/Race Bike
Felt 620 MTB