I am puzzled. Is the headbadge on the right in attached picture original or duplicate. I found it on one of 1938 Raleigh. Golden & red one is just for comparison...... Please help
Cyclostyle in style
Wow 1938? With time all companies slightly changed things about themselves... logos, company sayings, etc. so it is probably original! The one on the left you said was for comparison what year is it ? 1958? (Asking because you have one on this sight pictured.) If that being you still have the 1938? Would be one heckuva nice bike to restore if possible.
Good maintenance to your Bike, can make it like the wheels are, true and smooth!
You read my mind indeed

. Brass head badge wow. Sorry I got excited there about the 1938 model but I love older bikes. Yes I am VERY interested in seeing pictures lol.
Good maintenance to your Bike, can make it like the wheels are, true and smooth!
I looked on Sheldon's site yesterday, but ran out of time as I had to go to work. Anyways there is a little information like the threading of screws and bolts. That is about all I could come up with

. There is a different method by searching Google images or Yahoo images. After that see if there is a user information that posted it. Email the user maybe they still have something on it? There was a website someone posted on a different thread here, but I don't recall.
Ahhh found it ...
http://www.nostalgic.net/ . Write (email) someone there and they may be able to help you out.
Good maintenance to your Bike, can make it like the wheels are, true and smooth!
(02-10-2011, 09:56 AM)atulkunte69 Wrote: (01-11-2011, 08:52 AM)Bill Wrote: You read my mind indeed
. Brass head badge wow. Sorry I got excited there about the 1938 model but I love older bikes. Yes I am VERY interested in seeing pictures lol.
Hi Bill
It was bit late but never mind. My 1940 Raleigh is in on 'show off your bike' under the name "My Raleigh 1940" Sorry bro it was not 1938 as said earlier. Even pics are not so clear. But just to give you an idea.
Also tell me something...I have removed traditional single speed hub & it is fitted with 1969 3 speed AW hub, Will it be OK for that?
You know I do believe if it fit ok then yes it should be a ride-able bike!! Just make sure your chain alignment is good aka your wheel is not crooked after you put it on. Even 1940 is really awesome

. Gonna go look at it now!
Good maintenance to your Bike, can make it like the wheels are, true and smooth!