I have a three year old Scott road bike. The shifter is stuck on using only the middle main sprocket. I can not use the 1st & 3rd sprockets. The lever moves in and out of 1st but won't budge for the 3rd sprocket. I tried to move the derailleur by hand but it is frozen. How do I sort this out?
A bit of a newbie in this area, my first venture trying to fix something like this.
1. How often do you ride?
2. If not much, how long has it been sitting in storage?
3. If it was sitting in storage, what conditions was the storage area? Dry and cool basement? Moist and warm shed?
It SOUNDS like the derailleur is corroded, and disassembly is required. Take the whole damn thing apart, wire brush off any corrosion, and reassemble, then lube moving parts.
Of course, this is very basic info, and depending on your specific model, you might want to consider bringing it into the shop if you're uncomfortable with doing the work yourself.
Dedicated scholar of bicycles
Well, I think you should weight he cost differential between repair and replace. It will be easier to replace, but maybe cheaper to repair. Bring it to the shop and get a second opinion. Like I tell everyone, it's VERY hard to diagnose a problem from a brief text description when we can't see it.
Dedicated scholar of bicycles
Disconnect the cable from the mech'.
Hold / pull the cable in your hand and operate the shifter with the other.
If the shifter goes through it's 3 positions properly then it's the mech'.
Try moving the mech' with your hands but be careful not to trap fingers as the spring is strong.
It could be that the cable is stuck so check that that is free as well.
Ride hard or ride home alone!