I assume I need to remove the kickstand to best paint the bike. Do I really need to buy a $30 tool to do this?
Thanks in advance
Good maintenance to your Bike, can make it like the wheels are, true and smooth!
Thanks. Will check out this weekend.
Doc. S L O W D O W N . Seriously, bro. Leave that k-stand alone and make certain that it's masked well as the new paint is applied. You are just asking for troubles trying to go the tool route. The tool prob cost more than half of what you can sell that old Schwinn for ($$$). If it has some sentimental attachment to you - just say so.
Wheelies don't pop themselves. (from a QBP fortune cookie)
Doc - I think that quip of mine came across quite harsh, I'm sure. Not my intent. I love restoring old bikes as much as everyone else here but, trust this old man - getting it out is the Easy part. It's getting it back in that made me start cursing and drinking heavily and chasing fast women.
Well, maybe just the first two.

I know I'll never attempt it again after a smashed thumb, lacerated index finger and a worn-out ballpeen hammer. It takes 3 hands and I only have 2, and you also have to hold your mouth just right as you make wierd grunting noises! Not for me if I can help it! After prepping the frame, I just tape that baby up and run a bead of caulk around both ends of the tube to be removed later.
Got pics!?
Wheelies don't pop themselves. (from a QBP fortune cookie)
Totally no offense. Taking everything off as I may powder coat. I am celebrating getting it off. Just got the front emblem off which was the last item. Will worry about putting it back together later.
Rob I am doing some creative thinking here! Now if one could throw something together made out of a piece of 2x4 wood or stronger and mount a bolt or an old rope pulley wheel on a bolt that could mimic the schwinn tool! All he needs is something to grab from behind and bite on to the beveled piece on the kickstand for leverage. Only problem is how much spring compression there is and how much could wood handle before it snapped in two!?
Good maintenance to your Bike, can make it like the wheels are, true and smooth!
There are two kinds of people in the world, "Those who help themselves to people, and those who help people!"
[attachment=3452]Took less then a minute for me to take out myself with this kind of clamp. Can use with one hand to push in a nut into the unit and use the other hand to pop the pin out.
Guess where we are going doc is that taking it out is the easy part. Just going to be a little but of tinkering when putting it back in is all. BTW cool idea

Good maintenance to your Bike, can make it like the wheels are, true and smooth!
My putting-back-together question posts will come at an even faster pace I suspect!