Ok Nigel I looked at rims and I am kinda drawn to the Alex DM-24's

. Now are they Double wall?
I saw the Adventurer is Double wall.
After going to Alex Rims (
http://www.alexrims.com) website this is the data I pulled from the DM-24 rims...
Wide profile (32mm)
Superior strength
Optional SSE & CSW
Pin joint 32, 36 holes, silver/black
26"-660g, ERD 543.6mm (21.4016inches), ETRTO 559mm(22.0079inch)X24mm(0.944882inch)
Listed as a Downhill/Trial rim.
And the Adventurer is another choice (although Niagra will charge 9% tax!!).
Double wall design, Racer's edge
technology, Optional SSE
Tech Spec
Pin joint, 32 or 36 holes, silver/black W/CSW
26"-545g, ERD 540.3mm, ETRTO 559X18mm
Choices are one of those two??
Good maintenance to your Bike, can make it like the wheels are, true and smooth!