(09-28-2010, 02:36 PM)hcjg1 Wrote: (09-28-2010, 07:46 AM)Bill Wrote: Whoa that's really light! As for polishing the Carbon parts can't have everything huh
i agree. i find carbon components a bit boring (no offense to anyone) because i am only accustomed to polished ally. also the magnesium frame must remain painted because it rusts easily if exposed so blinging this one is completely out.
I'm not a metallurgist so only thinking out loud. ?
Magnesium doesn't rust.
It's usually alloyed with other metals (as is aluminium) so properties can vary depending on what it is "mixed" with.
Magnesium alloy can easily be corroded when touching against other metals. (galvanic action).
I would think your "Magnesium" frame is actually an alloy and this will possibly allow you to "bling" it

But see if you can get anymore info', possibly from the makes.
Ride hard or ride home alone!
(09-29-2010, 03:28 PM)hcjg1 Wrote: thanks for that. i was only going by what i was told 'by the expert in my local pub'. however from info on the net about the Litech frame, it is 92% mg mixed with 8% other alloys which apparently remains a top secret so you are right about the mixture. do you know if this would polish up as bright as aluminium, or would it be a kind of dull grey like titanium?
Sorry, don't know. Perhaps you could do a trial on part of the frame (under a chain stay?) and do as Bill suggests with a clear spray coating.
Are "Litechs" still in business?
Ride hard or ride home alone!
Near Blackpool.
Ride hard or ride home alone!
polished these 2 sets of cranks today. no machinery used only my hands.
just polished these hollowtech 2 cranks. i've found myself in a crank polishing mood.
Hi hcjg1, all of these frames and parts you've stripped and polished look amazing! And you've achieved all these results without any specialist tools or machines, just your own hands and hard work? Can I ask what method you use for stripping paint from alu? Do you use a chemical stripper which you then wash off or do you get the frames media blasted or something? I'm keen to see how the mg frame turns out, how you getting along with that one?
Far better to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.
T Roosevelt
How long did it take you from start to finish???
Gas sucks... Ride a bike
more polsihed cranks, chainwheel and KCNC brake levers.
MG frame on scale. i have weighed all components just out of curiosity. all parts add up to 6298gams. There is huge scope for reducing this by exchanging some components with more lightweight bits and experimenting by drilling out some of the parts like the crank arms but watch this space.
Polished alloy fork. Putting this on my Marin Indian Fire Trail.
(10-24-2010, 02:21 PM)hcjg1 Wrote: Polished alloy fork. Putting this on my Marin Indian Fire Trail.
I think I would put it above the fireplace and just look at it
Ride hard or ride home alone!
they look great nice work
(10-24-2010, 03:57 PM)hcjg1 Wrote: (10-24-2010, 02:30 PM)cyclerUK Wrote: (10-24-2010, 02:21 PM)hcjg1 Wrote: Polished alloy fork. Putting this on my Marin Indian Fire Trail.
I think I would put it above the fireplace and just look at it 
its the new disease - polialuitis. Its an addiction to polished aluminum. It stops you from building the bikes because all the sufferer wants to do is polish aluminum components and stare at them for hours. I need rehab mate.
Hehe I love the term

. Again awesome job on the polish.
Good maintenance to your Bike, can make it like the wheels are, true and smooth!
2 polished mtb 26 forks. one is for my MG frame (almost finished polishing the frame) and the other for my daily commuter.