Location: Northern Florida, USA
(08-06-2020, 08:35 AM)Dr.Oren Wrote: I'm a primary care doctor in Portland, Maine. I believe bikes are a powerful tool for health so I participate in bicycle benefits. When patients ride to a visit I give them a discount. Check out my website for more details
Dr. Oren
Thanks for the work you do Dr. Oren!
I work in the OR of a VA hospital. My last Dr./hospital visit was after I crashed 1/2 mile from the hospital I work at after just getting of work, I rolled into "my" ED on the bike and spent 3 days at there due to internal bleeding. I may be the last person you want to ride to your office; it usually isn't pretty! I think it's great that your are trying to help those you are trying to keep themselves fit. I did read some items in your blog; good stuff there, well thought out and practical. I would love to get a shirt (or scrub) with your logo on it!
I am ReapThaWimpWind and I view the world from a plexiglass window in my lower abdomen because my head is a sigmoidoscope always shoved up my....
Location: Northern Florida, USA
A couple recommendations to add to your first aid kit the can serve both medical and general purposes while taking up very little space, and weighing very little:
1) 1-2 "Dermabond" applicators (or like substitute; "super" glue as an alternative) which can also be utilized for some emergency repair needs.
2) Swiss Army "Classic" knife (or knife with same features/size), 60mm x 18mm x 8mm total; includes: blade, file, flat screwdriver/pry tool, scissors, plastic pick, stainless steel tweezers. A very small but useful "toolset".
3) Lighter.
I have found these items to be of immense value; serving many purposes besides medical.
I am ReapThaWimpWind and I view the world from a plexiglass window in my lower abdomen because my head is a sigmoidoscope always shoved up my....