(11-18-2024, 01:53 PM)ReapThaWhirlwind Wrote: Definitely can't recommend any type of opioids. Seriously, not even once. Extreme anxiety, neuropathy, and terrible things will happen to you. You may never be the same again.
Creatine however is the most studying and predominant sports supplement in the world.
It's not even a what-if or question of anything at all.
Creatine naturally exists in cells and is expended to produce ATP during anaerobic states where the cells do not have any oxygen to metabolize carbs for energy. Taking creatine will definitely boost anaerobic cycling where ketones come into play foremost. Since it can be expected to get depleted before an enduro-state, the ketones will still help, but creatine will prolong healthy body composition and stave the enduro-state from becoming catabolic.
Apparently more uneduacted advice. Have you at least passed a medical college level course in organic chemistry? I have, and I would post my certifications and college degree if not for online scammers. But here in the virtual world one can spew whatever tripe one wants to without consequence so why not do it myself.
Technically and more precisely heroin is an opiate as it is not synthetic. Opioid is a generic term for the masses who have no medical background since it includes synthetic drugs also. What do I know. Crap I forgot I just retored after working in a hospital OR for the last 10 years. I of course was obvously being facetious; but hey dose yourselves with whatever BS you want.
I am gone from this site that openly allows non-professionals to repeatedly advise what others should put in their bodies without an iota of consideration that someone whose body chemistry is unlike their own (it does not take much!); and who could suffer major ill-effects from taking such advice. Since you want to give BS advice regarding the potential safety of another without admitting your utterly amateur status than so be it. The administrators of this site have been warned multiple times so screw and this ludicrous lack of responsibility and concern by those who care not for the safety of others, but only about what they think applies to everyone.
Please inject yourselves with THC delta nine (also 8 and 10 for good measure). Lawn grass is another great dietary supplement, lets not forget lye to combat that nasty acidity in your stomach. Eat fecal matter from field voles and star-nosed moles; it can't hurt now can it? Plus, it's online in print right here so it must be good for you. Massage yourself with alligator bile. Inhale organohalogens to expand those bronchi. Just like a recent Federal executive administrator without any medical education recommended on national TV during a medical crisis to take medication that was never meant to be used for the purposes that that idiot moronically announced (while holding a pill) would treat a disease of fatal potential; and who ended up contracting that same disease himself while dosing with his "miracle cure". I wish I could feel sorry for the poor fools blindly followed his advice and got ill or died. Waiting for that idiot to take his own poison pill with some bleach and UV lights. What a freaking mess that fool made while being in some way, shape, and form responsible for the deaths of his own citizens.
@ReapThaWhirlwind you are no better! Live with that FACT.
GOODBYE AND WELL WISHES TO THOSE WHO DO NOT HAVE THEIR CRANIUMS INSERTED PAST BOTH OF THEIR ANAL SPHINCTERS. That's right "Reap" you have 2 anal sphinters; but with your vast knowledge of the human anatomy I am sure you already knew that right; because I am certain that you passed those medical college level anatomy and physiology courses too.
And maybe for once in your life you'll actually get a high end GT bike instead of fettering with all your broken down tripe that keep needing new parts and barely get any REAL mileage put on them. Maybe you can give them to some women who actually know how to really ride a bike. Nope, you won't because you made it clear that a womam can't even ride 15 miles without help from a freaking motor. I wish that Rebecca Twigg, et al. would slap the fecal matter out of your silly skull.
Whoopee! I did a quadruple "century" last month: 400 miles in less than 30 days (really only took 21 days so I'll count it as quintuple century. What did you say real cyclists? You mean centuries are actually done in one day. Crap! I guess I am just a rank amateur commuter with delusions of greatness (like that smug fool about to take.....).
I sincerely apologize if I offended anyone (except...).
Okay, that should get me readily banned for being honest and factual.
I am ReapThaWimpyWind & I don't know my anal sphincters from my elbows. Improve youself with drugs & foolish oval chainrings; or you can just get on a bike and ride it.
To admin: just delete my account! I'm removing content everyday since this site doesn't need help from me to endanger the safety of others.