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Elastomer Donut
After several years in storage, my Counterpoint Presto short wheel base recumbent appears ready to ride, with one exception. The elastomer donut that served as seat suspension had melted! Never saw anything like it. Took me an hour to clean off the melted debris from the chain, fender, and brake mechanisms. Anyone know where I can buy this sort of thing? I've been out of riding for about 15 years and simply out of touch. Any help would be welcome. Thanks. Jules
Hi Jules;

Before it melted (or dissolved) what did the donut look like? Dimensions?

You may have better luck here: http://www.bentrideronline.com/index.php where they are all recumbent riders. Here, very few are.
Thanks Nigel,
Appreciate the note. A cylinder about 3 inches tall and 2 and 1/2 inches in diameter with a hole through the center that was perhaps a quarter inch in diameter. Much of this is memory since the donut is no more. I posted a similar message on bentrideronline. Haven't heard anything from them yet. It's looking like I'll need to buy a cylindrical piece of elastomer, cut and bore it to fit. Haven't investigated that yet. Today I duck taped a rag to the post so that I could at least ride without damage. Cheers,
This cut to length would probably work:

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