So as I went to put on new headset spacers today, I pulled the handlebars and stem off and all this water came out. Also the inside of the stem had a little bit of rust from water leaking in or something. Any idea how to prevent this from happening and where it might've leaked in from?
It's probably from the sweat dripping off of your chin.

On a more serious note... the water can't just come pouring out. Do you mean that the grease was logged or was there condensation from temperature changes? I've never seen a headset that can hold water. More details?
Wheelies don't pop themselves. (from a QBP fortune cookie)
Very true RobAR. I am wandering was it left out in the rain or something like that??
Good maintenance to your Bike, can make it like the wheels are, true and smooth!
Maybe unpreventable. just put the new spacer on and use grease on everything. Coat it well. Try to get your bike out of the elements. Use a tarp or something
In the UK where rain is almost permanent, there are rubber boots that stretch over the headset top and bottom. My friend who rides MTB,s made his from a couple of pieces of inner tube. Just a thought.
Meant to say use good old waterproof bearing grease as for boat trailers.
Cycle the streets of Bristol!