I was looking at some trikes, and some really cool home built versions. This is really something I would like to try some time...build either a bent or trike, from odd parts etc. I enjoy tinkering, so it would be right up my alley!
Reading about trikes got me to wondering how they would be to ride on a highway, since they are quite a bit wider than a regular bike. We know how much cars like to swoop by almost touching you, so I can just imagine if you were riding something even wider.
Trikes would have to be the ultimate comfort ride for a long trip, but at the cost of getting run over tho...just be interested in others thoughts on the matter.
I can say from Owning a Schwinn Meridian it really is not all that bad. I just stay away from MAJOR routes if possible. I usually have my dog running beside me and even if I am on a Major Route then they are pretty careful usually honking going by. Very few people have yelled for me to get off the blankety blankety road if you know what I mean. Even then I am sure I will see them later and asked kindly if they saw the guy on the trike. I let them say all the bad stuff about "that guy" and then say,"YUP,I know that guy...it was me." Then listen to them change their tone. I'll usually chuckle and say nice to meet ya.

Anyways, if you are talking about the ones Atomiczombie.com have then I would stay to side streets lol. They are VERY comfortable bicycle.
Good maintenance to your Bike, can make it like the wheels are, true and smooth!
Apologies for putting the post in the wrong location.
Yes, it was styles of the recumbent trikes and regular recumbents that I was looking at. I can't say I have seen many of any of these types of bikes on the roads up here (North Bay, On). I do know I used to see a lot more bicycles along highways when I was younger than what seems to be the case now.
I would imagine travelling with a trike and trailer would be ok along a highway, just have A LOT of flags and bright colors!
Oh the recumbent bikes are very comfortable, although some are WAY over priced, definitely a bike worth riding. I agree there really are not that many on road that I have seen, unless you are close to a major park. One LBS that is close to a College only has Recumbents on his show floor. Really do not know how many he sells but they seem to be popular. Building one would be that much better. I always get pride when I rebuild or restore a bike.
Good luck if ya do and please keep us posted,
Good maintenance to your Bike, can make it like the wheels are, true and smooth!