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Tektro Auriga Pro - Brake level gets stuck halfway through on its way back
I have a Mongoose otero super 2009 that was standing without use for about 1 year.
Lately I've cleaned it and pretty much fixed it up.
The only issue now is that the left brake lever doesn't pop back after pressing it. These are hydraulic Tektro Auriga Pro brakes and it says "Mineral Oil" on them.
It brakes fine, but the lever gets stuck halfway through on the way back.
I took it to the shop and they didn't want to spend too much time on it and said that I need to replace the entire system which is too expensive and I don't feel like I've tried all the options yet.
I was wondering if perhaps bleeding the brakes will help solving the issue? Any other ideas?

By stuck I mean that I have to return it back by hand (without any resistance on its part), it just doesn't pop back entirely as it should.

Thanks in advance.
Is there a spring in the lever that has been damaged? Compare the insides of both levers.
Ok like I usually do I try to find the information about the part I am about to perform maintenance on. Before I post the link just want to inform you that you will probably have to get your hands dirty since the guys at the shop was too lazy and just wanted you to buy new. If that was not the case then I apologize, but I have seen the above alot personally lately. Anyways be prepared as they also in turn maybe correct and you will have to replace something in worse case scenario!
So here is the link for the manual.... (at least might be the one you have)

http://www.tektro.com/_english/03_support/download.php?f=down01327023935.pdf .
That is the Owners Manual. I noticed that there is a "reach adjustment", have you played with that?
Good maintenance to your Bike, can make it like the wheels are, true and smooth!
Thanks for the reply, I will try whats specified in the manual.
I'm 100% sure that the guys in the shop didn't bother looking at it for longer than 1 minute. They are loaded with work and I had to wait for 5 days for them to even get back to me about what needs fixing.
I'm definitely not going back to that shop again.

From my analysis of the lever I didn't notice a spring, it seems that its being pushed back a piston which is engaged by oil pressure (is that possible?).
(10-30-2012, 04:58 AM)we78 Wrote:  .........
From my analysis of the lever I didn't notice a spring, it seems that its being pushed back a piston which is engaged by oil pressure (is that possible?).

Yes; the spring in the caliper will push the oil back through the line, and push the lever.

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