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One day I ended up in Louisiana. Shortly time after I find myself helping my boyfriend construct a motorized bike. Overall he has a handle on it! And I sincerely mean it. But to have his time be my time be our time ( if ya get it), I try to understand how the bikes function and work. So that I am beneficial to the process of helping him and not just driving him crazy! Couldn't find the right information I was looking for, so I decided to join the bike form. And that's where y'all found me.
One day I ended up in Louisiana. Shortly time after I find myself helping my boyfriend construct a motorized bike. Overall he has a handle on it! And I sincerely mean it. But to have his time be my time be our time ( if ya get it), I try to understand how the bikes function and work. So that I am beneficial to the process of helping him and not just driving him crazy! Couldn't find the right information I was looking for, so I decided to join the bike form. And that's where y'all found me.
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Last Visit:
05-13-2024, 12:30 PM
Time Spent Online:
23 Minutes
DUMDUMLUCK's Signature:
Thank you so very much for your time, energy, and patience. I hope you have a good morning, afternoon, evening and or night. Depending on where you call home. ✌️