If anyone is selling a "Susan B" bicycle made by Terry in the early 2000s, please reply here! Thanks :-)
I have one that’s in fine condition
Location: Northern Florida, USA
@Shaz Only problem other than the thread being over a year old and the fact that the author of the post never posted again during that time; is that there was never any frame size specifics given. If someone is actually looking for a frame for themselves or another one would expect some dimrnsions to be provided.
My recommendation is to PM the OP with your frame size since notifications may be enabled for that type of contact. I know if I was looking for a bike I would have found one that already met my requirements in a month or two given the mant sales resources present.
Regardless, thanks for posting here and welcome to the community.
I am ReapThaWimpWind and I view the world from a plexiglass window in my lower abdomen because my head is a sigmoidoscope always shoved up my....