I bike one day a week sometimes twice depending on how busy I am.
In 2021 I did approx 1,073 miles.
In 2020 I did approx 1,152 miles.
Sad that I was behind in 2021 than I was the year of the pandemic, but it's mostly due to the fact that I dismantled my GT Aggressor Pro to rebuild and rode the GT Tempest on a 38/16 gear ratio single speed up until September in 2021.
It's kind of amazing that I came so close really.
I haven't been biking lately. My bike was worn out and my husband trashed it. I haven't been able to get another yet.
I bike on weekends when I'm free from my job, usually at morning and evening, I go to public parks nearby areas.
My cycling varies from year to year. Some years I might do over 10,000km. Other years I might do less. It depends on what else I am doing.
I might do 40 or 50km in a day. Some days more. Some days less. 40 km a day, for 250 days, is 10,000km.
Somewhere between 10-30 miles a week April through October.
Location: Sofia, Bulgaria
I bike a lot. It's my main mode of transportation, and I ride from my house to work every day. I also use it for fun—I love to go on rides with friends and explore new places.
Stats from Strava. A pretty good year on the bike - Should be over 6000km for the year
My Stats for 2022 so far
Last 4 Weeks
Activities / Week 3
Avg Distance / Week 141.7 km
Elev Gain / Week 204 m
Avg Time / Week 5h 6m
Activities 100
Distance 5,402.4 km
Elev Gain 21,668 m
Time 200h 49m
Two Wheels
Stay Safe
Currently sitting at 1,307 miles for this year.
Won't likely be putting on too many miles more.
Still scaling well each year. Up about 300 miles.