Wow after looking on you tube I found that combination locks are well umm pretty useless these days. If a kid can get by one of these in under 30secs then I know I am not gonna use one ever again!!!! Look for yourself on what I found! .
Good maintenance to your Bike, can make it like the wheels are, true and smooth!
Well, that's olds (rather than news)... even I used to be able to open some of them and that was 20 years ago. So, to whoever has not thought about this: A combination lock is basically a device that keeps people from walking away with your saddle. Don't lock your bike with it, it is useless.
Also: Get a decent lock, the higher rated ABUS and Kryptonite come to my mind. That won't keep anybody from walking away with your shifters, though.
Had an idea they were easy, but not that easy lol. Top end locks are good "deterrents" and work better as it is harder to get open! There are more effective ways, but I will not get into violent methods (joke) . My grandfather always said , "Locks are only to keep honest people honest.". Pretty sad that people steal from others, but it does happen

. Have to agree though kryptonite and the other you mentioned seem to be advancing in bicycle locks.
Good maintenance to your Bike, can make it like the wheels are, true and smooth!
Well, since most thieves are after the components rather than the frame a lock will not help too much there. I've even heard that some saw the frame in half to get the components. Sad.
A saw??? Dang that is pretty sad!
Good maintenance to your Bike, can make it like the wheels are, true and smooth!
I would be so sad if someone sawed my frame in half to take some components. I've found youtube videos before of bike thieves getting caught in the act, it's not pretty.