Every cyclist knows about it, right?

Has anyone discovered new remedies for the sore butt problem or any small tips, perhaps good after/pre ride stretching? Having biking shorts with solid cushion is one option, but for me personally the soreness can appear out of nowhere on the 50-60 km of the bike ride, and there's nothing much to do. Other times the ride is soreless (? is that even a legit word).
How do you deal with it?
Merida Scultura 5000 (2015)
Merida Big Nine 400 (2019)
I do nothing. The soreness just go away after a while. Sometimes my upper thigh is irritated because of the seat where it rubs.
The saddle has to fit the behind. You can measure the seat bone distance with a piece of corrugated cardboard. Add 1-3 cm to it (the more aggressive and aero you ride, the less), and choose accordingly. The saddle width is (roughly) the distance of the two humps on top of the saddle.
Try and test ride a model or three.
Oh, and the more pressure you get on the pedals, the less weight you have on your butt....
Over the past years I've been testing various bike saddles to find the better fit.
Much cushion or wide profile might not be the answer for many cyclists, and in my case I've chosen Pro Falcon saddle. It is nice, hard enough & flat.
Also, if you bike often and do it for fitness (training rides) purpose, then you should treat youself with some saddle fitting.
Look up some reliable localy bike shops with experts who can do the fitting, it really makes the difference.
"Carbon is faster"