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Chain slipping off gear shifter(?)
i've recently started riding my bike for exercise. was going well for a couple weeks, but a few days ago the chain on my bike has been slipping off of what i think is the gear shifter. it is very annoying and i haven't been able to ride my bike because of it.

Edit More info: i have a Schwinn Ranger 10 speed. the gear only slips like that in high gear. it does not slip while in low gear.

i have a video of basically what happens. can't get a video of it while riding. it is a video of it slipping off stationary.

if i could get an idea of how to fix it, id appreciate it. thanks.
Try cleaning and lubricating the chain.
Never Give Up!!!
i cleaned and lubricate the chain. it is still slipping off the derailleur.

I've not used the rear gears, only the front gears. when i tried changing the rear gears, it would not change. i tried adjusting the tension on the cable, im getting resistance in the gear switch on my handlebar. it won't move past 7th gear. and i think i may have broke the switch by trying to force it to change.

when i removed the cable from the derailleur, the gear switch moves between settings just fine. but when i reattached the cable tot he derailleur it would not move like before. the derailleur seems to be ok, i can move it between gear settings manually, no resistance.
Ok, that is more important information. It also looks like the chain is a bit long and / or the B-tension screw is not set correctly (though it is hard to tell from seeing only the rear wheel). Though if it worked like this - leave it alone!

The dérailleur moves freely (you tested it), the cable seems stuck. I guess (hard to tell without having the bike here) that the cable is badly frayed or kinked at some place and stuck. I guess you need new cable and housing.

Remove the cable from all housing, but leave it in the shifter for a moment. Does the shifter now release / pull the cable as it should (all gear clicks)? Did you see any damage to the cable? That should give you a good idea of where stuff goes wrong.

Click the rear shifter to release as much cable as possible. Remove the cable from the shifter and replace. I had a cable break inside the shifter - not much fun to pick out the small strands and bits and pry out the end of the cable (the Shimano road STIs are difficult to take apart and put together again - so I didn't).

Look at the repair videos here on the website to see how to correctly set up the rear dérailleur (RD). The way I do it: Check the RD can reach the full width of the rear sprockets (without the cable). Make sure the barrell adjuster of the RD (and the shifter) have a bit room in either direction (screw them in all the way, and out maybe 2 turns). Put the chain on the 4th smallest sprocket. Pull the RD cable taut and clamp. Turn cranks, the chain should sit on the smallest sprocket (adjust the lower limit screw). slowly shift up. When the chain refuses to climb, turn the barrel adjuster out a bit. Shift to smaller sprockets. Repeat until it works over the full range.

Cables and housing are not a major cost (at least the normal stuff) - even if you go to the LBS (local bike shop).
I admit I bought it bulk (100 cables, 30m housing), I have too many bikes to fix Wink (though it is not really that efficient, cost wise... but quite convenient and looks cool in the basement, and will last me until the end of days, I guess).
10-4 to all of the above. Look at the repair guide for tune up info . I f cables not frayed lubricate. One way to lub cables is to take a baggie make hole in the bottom to feed top end of cable through. Than close hole with rubber band around cable. Put some oil in the baggie and hang cable in a straight line. Put a drip pan under it and let the oil run down the cable. Also lubricate derailleur and shifter.
Never Give Up!!!

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