I bought a second-hand first bike for my grandson, and the saddle is a one-piece element with the seatpost. The saddle needs replacing but unfortunately the post is very narrow - 20mm in diameter. Does anyone know where to to buy either the all-in-one saddle/20mm post, or a 20mm post to which I can fit a saddle?
Thanks in advance for your help/advice.<br />
If you have no luck with sorting your saddle.<br />
How about one of these:-<br />
http://www.wallbike.com/accessories/clamp_ideale.html<br />
Cut the top off your existing post and using this style of clamp you can fit a "normal" saddle.<br />
The only thing is the clamp is designed for 7/8" posts (22mm) but may clamp to your 20mm post.
Some saddles come with clamps but are not always used, so ask at your local bike shop.
Ride hard or ride home alone!
Languedocfox: Depending on where you live, try to find out if there is a bike coop or another shop that focuses on used bikes and parts. I know one of the small shops carries smaller diameter seat posts where I live. And, just checked ebay and looked like there were some on there if you can find one locally.