Nowadays louvered helmets seem to be quite common. Obviously the advantage is that your head is cooled mere efficiently than when using a more solid helmet. However isn't there more damaged of getting "skewered" through the slots, e.g. if riding in the countryside and hitting trees or hedges?
If you tend to run into trees and hedges, the answer would likely be yes.
I ride trails and have not had an issue yet.
Bicycle helmets are mostly designed to absorb shock and protect your head from impact, and keep your brain from rattling around in your skull. . They are not very puncture resistant. Unless you find one with a hard fiberglass shell.
Never Give Up!!!
Easy fix for that is to apply some sort of thin mesh like the material in screen windows or the a like.
Good maintenance to your Bike, can make it like the wheels are, true and smooth!
Lmao +1 to George !!!
Good maintenance to your Bike, can make it like the wheels are, true and smooth!