Figure I would start a thread where everyone could share one their funniest/dumbest moments. Doesn't matter whether it was riding or fixing a bike, just something you will remember and laugh about.
Good maintenance to your Bike, can make it like the wheels are, true and smooth!
Just last week I took my mountain bike out. I am just learning how to ride technical trails. So I stopped at this point on the trail where there was a dip with a tree and roots which had to be negotiated around. There were two young boys standing there as it was near a picnic ground. They asked me first if I was going to jump the dip. I told them No, but that I was looking for the best path to follow around the tree. I assessed the route and told them. "Now don't laugh too hard if I fall." I took off slowly and almost made it, but the bike did end up going down and me jumping off. They were kind enough to not laugh. I told them... this is what happens when you ride trails.
I'm not certain that we can call it 'funny' and it may be R rated. May I proceed?
Wheelies don't pop themselves. (from a QBP fortune cookie)
Remember the tire popping Rob? Erm well use your discretion lmao..
Good maintenance to your Bike, can make it like the wheels are, true and smooth!
Yes, Bill. The new road bike assembly and the tire bead not seated when I got to 80 psi and the guys from the gun shop next door coming to save me. I can't find that thread.
This one that I had in mind involved a blonde female with a shapely figure and a small trail-side cactus. Or is it cacti? We probably should not go there. If Jo knew that I shared our secret on the internet, she might hunt me down! She could easily ride the 70 miles to here in 4 hours if she were so inclined.
Problem is - my sense of humor is drier than Texas sand.
Wheelies don't pop themselves. (from a QBP fortune cookie)
Ahahahaha, Thus all your ex's live in Texas??

Good maintenance to your Bike, can make it like the wheels are, true and smooth!
Here you go after a few minutes searching and WELL worth it

Good maintenance to your Bike, can make it like the wheels are, true and smooth!