Love this site. Been lurking around for awhile and decided to join in. I have picked up several (13) yardsale bikes over the last few years and am now starting to completely strip them down and restore them when time and money allows. Anyway....just wanted to say hello!
(08-15-2010, 01:30 PM)Grandpa Bill Wrote: Love this site. Been lurking around for awhile and decided to join in. I have picked up several (13) yardsale bikes over the last few years and am now starting to completely strip them down and restore them when time and money allows. Anyway....just wanted to say hello!
Why hello and welcome to the website.

Restoring bicycles is an incredible experience and fun art or hobby whichever one chooses to call to it. We have all done a few or more and list them in the Show Off Your Bike thread (here.. ) which you are more then welcome to post a thread with pictures of before/during/after shots of each bike. That is totally up to you and any questions you may have post them. Glad you joined and enjoy the site,
Good maintenance to your Bike, can make it like the wheels are, true and smooth!
Agreed, this site is awesome. I found these videos because I was thinking someone had to have done this. And here they are, I love them
(08-15-2010, 01:30 PM)Grandpa Bill Wrote: ... and am now starting to completely strip them down and restore them...
What took you so long!?! Welcome from another new guy, Grandpa.
Wheelies don't pop themselves. (from a QBP fortune cookie)
welcome to the site m8 .... i like many others found the videos (for a repair) then joined the site
Boardman Team Road/Race Bike
Felt 620 MTB