I had no trouble watching the videos the first time (or two?) that I visited the site, however; I am now unable to do so. When using Firefox and I click on the video, the viewing area becomes totally white. So, I tried using Explorer and I receive a message which reads, "Error: Feed has an error or in not valid." Tried visiting Adobe - unable to find a solution.
I open all other links with no difficulty, youtube, email attachments, newscasts, etc. So far, I've only encountered trouble on this particular site.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Works for me at this time. Maybe a temporary system outage at the video hosting site?
try clearing out the cache?
Good maintenance to your Bike, can make it like the wheels are, true and smooth!
Thanks! I was unaware that there was a new version of FlashPlayer. I downloaded it with great expectations, only to be disappointed again. My problem remains.
I found as I was updating my various computers last night, that often I had to close Firefox before doing the Flash installation. That wasn't clear in some of the instructions, as the installation would claim it's done, and then I'd go to that URL I listed above and I'd still have the older version. So when you visit that URL, you are getting the latest version reported?
Good idea on contacting blip. Maybe they have others with similar problems they can associate you with. It might also be good to tell them that you can see videos on youtube, hulu, and other web video sites so you can tell them it's probably something between you and them rather than your pc.
I am using Firefox and I am aware that the browser needs to close to download Flashplayer. I verified that version was indeed downloaded. blip was absolutely no help because they said it wasn't their problem, that no other had reported trouble. I know it's a setting on my desktop because
my wife's laptop works on the site just fine. The two machines use different browsers. hers is IE,
other than that, the same anti-virus, same ISP.
Another anomaly I've noticed, when I select a video to play on the working laptop, the task bar at the bottom of the screen reads, connecting to bikeride.com. When I do it on my desktop, the screen bottom goes thru a longer sequence, connecting to bikeride.com, gravatar,com, google analytics, facebook, & blip. Then nothing, a white screen.
One of the things you can check is file extensions and associations. I really do not remember how it is done but maybe one of the players you installed in a previous time took over as the default player?
Good maintenance to your Bike, can make it like the wheels are, true and smooth!
When I right click on the video page, I get a drop down menu, which includes Flash player settings options, so I'm sure the FlashPlayer is at play here. I've noticed that bicycletutor and bliptv use UTF-8 Encoding. The files I'm able to play do not. Also, when I attempt to access this Repair Forum, I get an error message which reads, "Google Error-Not Found. The registered URL thread-1996-newpost.html was not found on this server." I had to go to a different computer to enter this message.
Success! Success! Success! Success! Success! Success! Success! Success! Success!
I hope this helps some others who may be experiencing the same problem. I wouldn't have gone through so much trouble if I didn't love this site! I wanted my videos back - and now I've got them!
Time to Celebrate!! Here's what the problem was:
FlashPlayer Global Settings Panel - Ensure that the box is checked, next to "Allow third party Flash content to store data on your computer."
Dah! Sometimes it's the simplest things in life that cause the most grief.
Thank you so much, Andrew B, Bill, Alex, for taking the time to help me. I really do appreciate it!
Wow, I'd have never thought of that. Congrats!
Yea I would have not thought of that one, but indeed glad it worked out for ya

Good maintenance to your Bike, can make it like the wheels are, true and smooth!
Well, I found a way to finally see the vids, I started using Firefox 17.0....updated my Flash....and everything is turning out great!!!!!!!!