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Cateye Double Wireless
Hey All. Ryan here and I'm a newbie to the world of cycling (6months). I'm a commuter who puts around 50-70 miles on my Specialized Secteur every week. I could use some help deciding on a computer for my bike...

1) What is the difference between the Cateye Strada Wireless and the Cateye Double Wireless (is it really worth $40 extra for the double)?

2) Do I even need this for my bike, or is there a better choice? I want a durable computer that gives me the readouts of these models, and the wireless just sounds like a great idea. I know nothing lasts forever, but a computer should last a few years if cared for, right?

Like I said, I'm a newbie here and this seams like a good choice. I just don't want to buy something twice because I didn't do enough homework. Any suggestions would be great.

Thanks in advance,
Wired units are fine with me. I just got Cateye Strada for my new acquisition got everything I like. For $30. Do not need cadence. Been told low end wireless does not work well.

Real PITA to set, not intuitive, follow directions step by step.

Do you need it?? Your call. Had my first Cateye 15 years now on my other bike still works fine.
Never Give Up!!!
Have to agree with George that Cateye has been a pretty good cyclometer over the years. Between the two the main difference is that the Double is ID coded (takes a code from the transmitter on the fork so it does not get interference from other cyclometers on the same frequency) and the Strada Wireless is not. I have the Wireless and it works with another computer's transmitter that was mounted on a different bike. Was rather nice one computer different bikes, until I was riding with a friend who the same thing. Got false readings ,sporadic speeds, etc. So go with the Double.
Good maintenance to your Bike, can make it like the wheels are, true and smooth!
Awesome advice! Very much appreciated.

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