Hey good luck Cheryl. Think of all you have learned. Store your next bike indoors. :-)))
Never Give Up!!!
Well, for commuting to school I'd get an old beater unless you have the chance to store it indoors. When working at my old university I could commute by road bike (~20km one way) most of the time and I could store it in my lab. I now changed the field (and the university). It is now >80 km plus there is a "gap" where I'd rather not bike: narrow road without paved shoulders plus high traffic. I commute by train (car would be crazy, too much traffic + I can read or work in the train). So I now have an old bike (3 speed) that I store at the railway station and use to ride to work through the town. I will fix some of the stuff, but try not to spend too much since it is stored outside and there is no such thing as a safe lock.
Ok that's cool

. Was an honor to share the information and advice that we could. As George said use what you know to keep your new bike in great running condition. Yes Joe is right there is no such thing as a safe lock. Indoors is about the only way. Always remember to come back if you have any questions in the future. Good luck and was very fun helping you out.
P.S. Joe kind of makes me think of that one movie a guy had a vehicle stashed in a secret area of a bus or railway terminal. Do not remember the name. Great idea you have though. 49.7 miles (80km) is a nice little distance!
Good maintenance to your Bike, can make it like the wheels are, true and smooth!
@Bill (now severly OT): Yeah, I wouldn't mind riding the 80km back twice a week, but as I wrote: not really a good idea. Yesterday I took my road bike with me and rode back about 50km and then continued by train. I'll do that more often (when it is not raining).
lol we'll see if my roommate is ok with me bringing my bike up to the room. dorm life has it's disadvantages (small rooms), but at least i have an elevator this semester.
49.7 miles?! how long does that take to bike?
Under three hours, if I know the way and there are not too many stoplights...
LOL thats terrible. yeah, that bike isn't worth saving. at least monetarily. but, at the same time, its very beneficial to learn how, and that's a really good way to learn. on the other hand, if it were mine, i'd probably scrap it.
i have an old 18 speed pacific mountain bike that was sitting in my friends garage for the past 5 years, and has to be at least 12 years old if i do the math....i don't even remember where it came from originally. it was in pretty bad shape, but mostly things that could be fixed without new parts. a ton of oil here and there, some grease, a few (many) adjustments and whatnot, and it works fine. the bike came in handy recently when i picked up my next project off craigslist....an 05 specialized hardrock that needed a few parts here and there, and a lot of love. at least i can ride the pacific to the lbs and pickup parts and cigs and whatnot (though, most i bought off ebay to keep cost down). i own a car, i just hate driving unless i have to because gas is so much money, and it just seems pointless if i'm not going far. there are benefits to having a bike as ugly as that though, it won't get stolen! i'm so afraid to leave one of my "good" bikes anywhere, and everytime its not within my line of sight, i'm constantly worried. i can't even count how many bikes i've had stolen, no matter what kind of lock was on it. haha, i even took the pacific to a trail recently. it rode fine, but god that was embarrassing lol
one method i use to remove rust is soaking the metal in vinegar for a few days...especially bolts and smaller parts. strips the rust right off.
i got my chain and chain breaker yesterday (friday). i'm going to do the chain today (saturday).
i think my main goal here is to take up some of my free time during the summer, i had the bike and firgured why not. it's been a great process to pick up new skills and i have enjoyed it.
3 hours is a long time to ride a bike, but hey more power to you.
i love fixing up my friends bikes if they have a nasty looking beater...its fun to do, and usually doesn't cost much if anything if i have the spare parts laying around. i'm planning on fixing up a womens magna from like the mid 90s that my friend stores in the middle of her backyard all year round....should be interesting. its about in the same condition as yours, plus bent wheels and whatnot.
Worse case scenario you will have an extra bike to rely on

Good maintenance to your Bike, can make it like the wheels are, true and smooth!
ended up taking it to the bike shop to have them put the chain on for me. (not enough arm muscle to do it myself nor did i have the right tools.) oh well $10 fee to have them do the work. gonna take it back to them for brake lines on the rear brake, derailer alignments, and other tweaks.
General updates:
The bike isn't all that bad now that the chain is fixed. Rides alright, however, my front derailer needs serious alinement because it's not even trying to kick up to the other 2 gears. I'm debating paint and new tires, but I did pick up a seat cover and a pump. Good thing there's a bike shop where I go to school and here at home.
While I'm both broke and stubborn, I think of it like an old beat up car. You give it love, time, and attention and it'll do you right later.
Wow, you made it! Congratulations!
Thanks to everyone here, the journey is now complete.
Two updates: 1)Today was the first time I lube the chain myself. 2)Come next wednesday (September 22nd) I'll have been riding pretty much everyday for a month.
From the bottom of my heart I thank you all for everything I've learned along this path, it will never be forgotten. I know it's been said before but here it is again; there is, with very few exceptions, no community as accepting and lovable as the one of bicyclists here among these pages.
With the Sincerest of Gratitude,
Cheryl B.
aww, youre gonna make us blush! now its time to find another junker to fix up and learn some more!
Get on your bad pedalscooter and ride!
i have that one, but mines the seat, not just the cover. it has a "hole" in the middle. its the best ive tried yet, but i believe a females opinion would be better for you. so, how 'bout it girls, what seat should Cheryl get?
Get on your bad pedalscooter and ride!