Not the best pics but this will have to do for now lol.
And the last two are my Surly LHT the first one will be with the older parts on it.And the last is the way I have it set up now its hard to tell them a part unless you look at it good.
P.S. I still have one more coat of paint to go but its looking better not sure if I am going to put a clear coat on it or not.
My dad always told me a Sledge a matic can fix any thing.
Looks like a good start Surly! Are you using a rattle can? If so, be sure to carefully follow the can's directions. People (me included) have a tendency to not want to wait long enough for the last coat to dry before applying the next coat. This results in "alligatoring" and "lifting" of the new coat because the previous coat hasn't finished drying yet. But if you are using a spray gun then never mind what I just said. Professional auto paints have better drying control for different ambient temperatures.
No I am using my spray gun here and yes I hate to wait but I know I must lol. The pics did not turn out the best and it looks a lot better in person. The folks around here think I am crazy to be painting a bicycle frame. They always see me riding my bikes and ask me how many do I have I tell them to many lol.And I have two more to finish building yet. Who knows how long it will take I sure don't. It gives me something to do with my time and I get to help some of the kids around here too. Funny how when they see me working on one they stay and watch lol. And the weather is great today but I am waiting because it is going to rain tonight so I'll just wait until some time next week or so to put the last coat of paint on and its killing me to wait lol. I got the paint at Wal-Mart in a QT can one for the satin black and one of the Satin Italian Olive cost was not to bad but I hated to pay that much be it was the color I wanted so I had to buy them.
My dad always told me a Sledge a matic can fix any thing.
Very nice Surly, thanks for the tips guys

Good maintenance to your Bike, can make it like the wheels are, true and smooth!