Hey guys,
Im seeing that there is a large debate on using WD40 on your chain for both cleaning and lubricating purposes, but as a cleaning agent would this work? I have looked at other threads and most people debate the use of it but there doesn’t seem to be any good methods of doing so stated anywhere out there.
Wiping off any old lube/grime AFTER removing the chain from the bike
spraying the chain down with wd40 and wiping it down (maybe even let it soak for a couple of mins)
then wash the chain with water and a mild soap (to remove the wd40 from inside the links of the chain i hear it messes up your new lube job)
then let it air dry and apply a chain lube?
I know i could buy an official bike chain degreaser, but just curios if this would work otherwise..
I use Giant's Orange foam degreaser. I let it set for a minute and then wash it off with water at a low volume directed downward. Before I started doing this, I was at one of the largest and oldest LBS in Tampa and was watching them clean a chain on a bike behind the shop and they use the same method. These guys are the go-to bike shop for high end repairs, so I guess if it's good enough for them, it would be good enough for me.
I also have been hearing all the pros and cons about degreasing a chain, on or off the bike, and I guess since I never have had an issue, I will continue doing it this way. When an issue comes up, then its time to re-evaluate. So far my hybrid has 2,592 miles on it since last July and the road bike has 1,675 miles on it since November and I clean the chains on both of them once a month.
HCFR Cycling Team
Ride Safe...Ride Hard...Ride Daily
all I ever do maybe blow it with water once in awhile and relube. I use tri-flo,slick50 spray and sometimes my motorcycle chain lube.but clean it just wipe it and relube it. I have never had abnormal chain problems on mtbs or my road bikes been doing this for thirty years. most of my chains use pins so I do not recommend taking them off the bike to clean all the time. Its over kill.
nor do I want harsh cleaners on my frame. I mostly use hyperglide type systems and they are the most sensitive temperamental systems out there.and have no problems
There are two kinds of people in the world, "Those who help themselves to people, and those who help people!"
Once long ago I thought WD-40 was the way to go! Well it is not!
This is all I am gonna say....
http://www.parktool.com/product/cyclone-r-chain-scrubber-cm-5 !

That is how it is cleaned.
Afterwards this is how I lubricate...
http://www.triflowlubricants.com/Bicycle_Grease.html !!!!
Whoever can debate all they want, I rank wd-40 right along with those who think they can use Vaseline as a chain lube!
Good maintenance to your Bike, can make it like the wheels are, true and smooth!
mineral spirits and rubbing alcohol are both much better degreasers and cheaper than WD40. What is people's obsession with WD40 anyway? Goodmarketing I guess...
DaveM. WD just plain ol' smells good! Try it!
Wheelies don't pop themselves. (from a QBP fortune cookie)
Well I decided to get an actual bike degreaser and bought finish line degreaser as my LBS had a joke of a product selection (time to find A better shop..). Works pretty well, but next I'll try the mineral spirits I think. I then lubed with tri-flow as recommended. Ill miss my WD.. Your right it sure smells nice..
great on pancakes also! I know wrong forum, But I use it for this:take a hair dryer and heat up those ugly stickers on the front bezel of your pc tower pull them off to expose your pretty tower. then take wd-40 to wipe off and clean the leftover sticky residue. works fantastic. sorry I do have a $25.00 minimum so anyone who reads this please send me $25 dollars.
Love, Bob
There are two kinds of people in the world, "Those who help themselves to people, and those who help people!"