New to road biking and bought a used bike that was assembled by a bike shop. Problem is the inside right shifter has very little resistance and takes a long time to shift. This problem seems to be getting worse and requires moving the inside shifter multiple times to get it to shift. Would take it back to the bike shop however they are very expensive. Several items i bought from them were double and in two cases triple what i found would like to do fix the problem myself. I am all for supporting local business but don't want to be ripped off as well...
Any suggestions as to the cause of this problem? The shifter is a Shimano 600
Thanks in advance
Probably the shifter cable has gotten loose and needs adjusting. But more information on what kind of shifters and what situations this happens in would help. (Shifting to higher gears, lower, etc.)
Look at the derailleur adjustment videos here on the site.
Glad it worked for you. You may need to do it occasionally as part of general maintenance.
(09-28-2010, 09:02 PM)eeforme Wrote: If you do not regrease them properly you will soon have a worn out shifter.
eef is new here (like me) but I tend to trust this advice!
Wheelies don't pop themselves. (from a QBP fortune cookie)
Thanks for the positive reply. If anyone tells you to use WD-40 for anything on a bike you should run away from them as fast as you can. WD-40 has no place in the proper maintenance of a bicycle. There is nothing worst than the spread of bad information on the internet and most of what you read about these shifters is wrong. Whoever assembled the bike probably sprayed something in there to get it to work long enough to sell it and then you're stuck. Kind of like the old sawdust in the differential trick for cars.