@enkei, I hope things improve for your family and that you get to ride or relax more. I try to talk to my 80-year-old dad (over the phone) as often as I can when I’m on the road. I’m enjoying my health and blessings while he’s at home, worried about all the dangers lurking out there that could catch me or the "torture" I give to my body.
People I meet on the road often ask me why I ride so far away from "home," and I always say that my body is capable, my heart hasn’t yet developed that fear of the unknown, and my dad’s good health affords me the luxury of exploring faraway lands.
So, please know that I ride for you and others who aren’t able to due to personal or family obligations. Hang in there, friend.
Currently, I am in the state of Assam which borders Bhutan, China, and Myanmar. I rode to a National Park and have been exploring the serene nature here. Attached is a picture of a Rhino that I saw on a "stroll".
(02-10-2025, 10:45 AM)meamoantonio Wrote: (01-16-2025, 04:32 PM)enkei Wrote: (01-12-2025, 06:54 PM)Flowrider Wrote: Thanks @enkei and @meamoantonio. If you have a goal(s) you want to achieve this year, I hope they've got off to a positive start. 
Not really. Since just after Xmas, I've been staying 99% of the time at my parents' helping dad care for my increasingly demented mum. Aiming to move her to a care home soon, then I can take a rest.
Life, eh?
Praying for you my friend!