I am trying to assemble my Giant roam but hit a road block. I can see a lot of wires but not sure what to do with them. Couldn't find a video for assembly of my bike either.
(04-24-2022, 01:19 AM)Sanat Pasricha Wrote: Hi
I am trying to assemble my Giant roam but hit a road block. I can see a lot of wires but not sure what to do with them. Couldn't find a video for assembly of my bike either.
Whether this bike came out of an original box, or was a disassembled demo model, etc. it should have come with an assembly/safety manual. There is a good chance that you can download it from somewhere, but I would also recommend that you make an inquiry as why there was no manual, and would they provide all of the original documents for the nee bike. If it used you are on your own if you cannot find it elsewhere. You can try a Giant dealership near your and see if they have an extra manual laying about; and if you bring the bike they may be able to sovle your issue immediately. They should anyways if its under warranty.
Show some photos; others mau be familiar with your bike and the wiring of it.
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